Kim Hyun-hee, Choi Won-jae, and Song Ji-hyun (from left)
Who were named the “Best Team” at the 2023 Super Blue Marathon on Sunday, make a heart with their
hands. Special Olympics Korea, which has been organizing the event since 2015, organized the “Sunshine
Running Class” this year to help people with and without disabilities prepare for the event together, 카지
노사이트 and selected the team with the best chemistry as the best team.
“It was a special experience to receive help from people with disabilities whom I have always helped!”
Song Ji-hyun, 28
A teacher at the Gunpo-Uiwang Special Education Support Center in Gyeonggi-do, Gyeonggi-do, said
before the start of the ‘2023 Super Blue Marathon’ at Peace Park Peace Square in Mapo-gu, Seoul, on the
morning of the 17th, “I’ve only been running for four months, so I had a lot of fear of running, but I
gained confidence by training with my friends with disabilities who are good runners.”
It was the Sunshine Running Class
That boosted her confidence. Special Olympics Korea (SOK), an organization that supports sports and
cultural activities for people with disabilities, has been organizing the Super Blue Marathon since 2015. In
the past, they ran together only on the day of the race, but this year, 온라인카지노 they organized the
class before the race, where 31 people with disabilities and 16 people without disabilities, including singer
Sean, 51, came together to communicate.
Song was teamed up with Choi Won-jae, 28
A developmentally disabled man, and Kim Hyun-hee, 30, a non-disabled participant. The trio, who met
and trained together seven times between July and the event, were named the “best team” for having the
best chemistry while running the 5-kilometer Super Blue course (a course run by people with and without disabilities).
(From left) Kim Hyun-hee, Choi Won-jae, and Song Ji-hyun were named the “Best Team” at the 2023
Super Blue Marathon on Sunday. Special Olympics Korea, which has been holding the event since 2015,
organized a “Sunshine Running Class” this year to help people with and without disabilities prepare for
the event together, and selected the team with the best chemistry as the best team.
“I’ve been participating in the Super Blue Marathon since 2018, but until last year, I had a hard time
preparing for the race alone, and I didn’t have a chance to talk to people with disabilities except on the
day of the race,” said Choi, who served as the athletes’ committee chairperson for Special Olympics East
Asia. “This year, it was easy to control my pace as we trained together before the race, and it was great to
make friends with people with disabilities.”
“I was surprised that Mr. Choi was so good at jumping over hurdles that were difficult for me and Ms.
Song to jump over,” said Ms. Kim, who works in an information technology (IT) company. “I thought it
would be difficult to communicate with people with developmental disabilities, but it wasn’t at all. This
training has changed my perception of people with disabilities.”
The Super Blue Marathon
Where runners wear blue laced sneakers, the color of hope, is hosted by SOK and Lotte and organized by
Dong-A Ilbo. A total of 8,000 runners with and without disabilities participated in this year’s event. Of
these, 1421 runners with disabilities participated, an 11.5% increase from last year (1274). 카지노사이트존