Roy Keane has had an emotional spat with Elling Holland

Roy Keane has had an emotional spat with fellow junior Elling Holland (Manchester City), calling him a “stupid bastard”. “I’m not interested in him,” Holland said.

“Roy Keane has escalated the argument by labeling Holland a spoiled brat,” British media outlet The Mirror reported on June 6 (KST).

Keane is a legendary central midfielder who led Manchester United to their glory days during his playing days. Since retiring, he has worked as a soccer pundit. Keane is notoriously outspoken. He recently made headlines for his criticism of Holland. After criticizing Holland as a four-booger, he also questioned his character.

“Keane said Holland acted like a spoiled brat after he was substituted after scoring four goals against Wolverhampton,” according to the Mirror.

Holland started the game against Wolverhampton at Manchester’s Etihad Stadium on April 4, 토토사이트 scoring four goals in a 5-1 victory.

He was substituted in the 37th minute of the second half.

“When he was substituted, he couldn’t hide his bad feelings and acted like a spoiled brat,” Keane told Sky Sports. It was almost forgotten because City won and Holland scored,” he claimed on Sky Sports. The Mirror interpreted this as Holland acting out because he was robbed of the chance to score a fifth goal.

“Isn’t it okay to score four goals,” the host asked, to which Keane coldly replied, “Absolutely not.”

Keane lashed out at Holland after City were held to a goalless draw by Arsenal in the 30th round in early April. The Mirror reported on April 1 that Keane said Holland looked like a Ligue 2 (fourth division) player. Keane pointed out areas Holland needs to improve,” the Mirror reported.

“Holland’s overall level of play is low. It’s not just today, he holds onto headers or whatever. In front of goal, he’s the best in the world, but his overall play is poor when you take that into account,” he said.

“Holland needs to improve on that. Right now he’s almost like a Ligue 2 player. He’s a great striker, but he needs to improve his game over the next few years.”

When Holland scored in the ninth minute against Nottingham Forest on April 29, “he was very much like a Championship (second division) player. 파워볼사이트 He’s improved a lot. In terms of goalscoring, he’s amazing. His quality in terms of finishing is unquestionable.”

The Mirror called Keane’s comments a “cheeky response”.

Holland, meanwhile, didn’t want to get involved, saying: “I don’t really care about him.

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