‘Sisters, don’t laugh too much’ … A high school rookie who tasted the bitterness of the pros before his first debut

“It’s really okay”

On the afternoon of the 26th, the ‘2023~2024 Dodram V League’ match between Heungkuk Life and Jung Kwanjang was held at Samsan World Gymnasium in Incheon.

After the away team’s players entered, the home team’s Heungkuk Life players high-fived coach Abondanza and high-fived their teammates when their names were called.

Last but not least, Seo Chae-hyun, the third pick of the second round of the 2023-2024 V-League Draft, was called up to wear the Heungkuk Life jersey. After high-fiving Coach Abondanza, Seo Chae-hyun ran to high-five her seniors.

However, she didn’t see the mats that are always laid out for the opening event and fell. The seniors, including Kim Yeon-kyung, laughed heartily, while an embarrassed Seo Chae-hyun looked at the mat on the floor in frustration. 카지노사이트가이드

Coach Marcello Abondanza approached her and asked, “Are you okay?” and returned to the court after hearing her answer.

Her teammate, Elena, was smiling with tears in her eyes as she watched her play.

The other teammates were also left smiling for a long time.

Seo Chae-hyun, who hasn’t even made her official debut yet, has experienced the bitter taste of the professional stage.

Meanwhile, in the match, Jung Kwan-jang lost the first and second sets, but took the third and fourth to take the match to five sets. In a deuce situation, Jia scored the final point with an atoning spike.

Mega Jung led the team to victory with 31 points, including two blocks, followed by Jia with 20 points, Jung Ho-young with 14 points, Park Hye-min with 13 points, and Park Eun-jin with 12 points.

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